Thursday, January 17, 2008


For dinner tonight, I went on a search for a meal. I didn't have to search long. I ended up at a street vendor less than a mile from my hostel. This is what I ate.

Two helpings = 40 Baht (just over $1.00 U.S.)



mom said...

Finally, something cheap!!
How are you enjoying the Thai food? Is it making your nose run and eyes water?
What were some of those things in the picture? Chicken maybe? Let us know. By the way, Jackie wants more pictures. Can you put them on Flicker(sp?) or something? I think we would all love to see more.
Your posts are starting some wonderful conversations between your younger brothers and me. Today we talked about courage. Thanks honey. Love to you.

Anonymous said...

It's 4:06pm here what time is it there? just saw your most recent post and now I'm hungry.
Auntie Caryn

Josh Jackson said...

Yeah, we hated packaged tours!!! We even lost about $100 in Nepal by backing out of a package deal. It sort of runs against the thrill of the open road.

We found the trains in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam to be time consuming and more expensive. As for the local buses, we found the thai backpacker buses CHEAPER than the local bus system. Most places costs about $5-$9 if you book at Khoasan Road. We checked the local bus to Chaing Mai and it was like $5 more plus a hassle. Anyway, I'm sure you found this information already, but in case you hadn't....

If you're going to Angkor Wat in Cambodia after Thailand, let me know. :)

Josh Jackson said...

I think we ate at that exact vendor. Or maybe it was one of the other six thousand just like that one.

SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

hope you are doing so well my friend.

where did you stay in b-kok? I stayed at Asha Guest House and absolutely loved it.