Thursday, December 6, 2007

"Seth, what are you doing?"

I have had to ask myself this question many times. I asked it during my final weeks at college; the "will I ever get this done?" weeks.
I asked this question on a fire this summer, while swallowing chunks of steak by the light of my headlamp, and looking at the people all around me who quickly became a pack of wolves at dinner. And now, I'm asking the question again as I prepare myself for a yearlong (maybe longer), round-the-world journey, that begins in New Zealand on New Year's Eve.

Here are two related little facts: (1) other than Canada, I have never traveled internationally, and (2) I'm traveling alone.

I think I've come to the conclusion that I am not a very logical person. Now, don't get the wrong picture of me. I am definitely a reasonable (and I hope an intelligent) person, but reason is a relative way of going about things. I can reason myself to the point of finding sanity in the midst of what others see as insanity, but this does not make me sane nor does this mean that there is always a logical explanation for my risks.

Ah well. I have had the travel bug for quite some time now and having satiated some of its thirst for the United States, I am now itching to take my backpack and my camera to the opposite side of the globe.

I have tossed around trip ideas like this one for quite some time, in fact, I almost quit school freshman year to go to Fiji for 3 months. All I wanted to do was surf, fish, and figure things out. But I didn't leave school, which for me was a good decision, and instead I pushed my travel plans back until after graduation. Gradually, through three years of daydreaming, this Fijian escape has evolved into a dream of long-term travel. You may be wondering how a 3 month vacation in Fiji turned into a plan year-long adventure. If you are, its basically as simple as this: I really wanted to see New Zealand, and Thailand, and India looked amazing, and so did Syria, and Italy, and Ireland too. So with this thought, I decided to visit the places in between and make my way from New Zealand, to Thailand, from Thailand all the way across Asia, into Africa, then north into Europe before someday its time to go back home.

After buying a one-way plane ticket to Auckland, and a one-way to Bangkok; after calling consulates and talking to travel insurance companies; after packing my one backpack that will carry everything I need with a couple things I don't; after all this thought, and very sporadic, open-ended planning; its wild to think that in less than a week I will be on a 23 hour long trip from Chicago to Auckland.

Through this blog, I hope to keep all of you slightly up to date with where I am in the world and what I am doing, as well as what I am learning. At times I know this trip will be extremely taxing on my mind and body, but I am convinced that every minute will be completely worth the effort. Going into this journey, I know my greatest ally is cultural sensitivity and the important understanding that I know nothing. This philosophy is not meant to downgrade the level of my knowledge and intelligence, but in admitting to myself that I know very little of this world, I am given the opportunity to learn everything.

This is what I know.

In finishing this first entry, I want to thank my family for giving me the drive and independence for this undertaking and for always providing support, even when I have crazy ideas.

Thank you so much to all of you who are reading this. You have contributed to who I am. Some, in more ways than others, but all have made an impact. I will never be able to put together all the tiny seemingly random pieces but everything is relevant, therefore I carry with me on this trip a part of each of you.

Lastly, I thank God, who without, this would otherwise be impossible.

Its time.


Anonymous said...

I'm the first one honey!!!! Well God's speed and think of us often. You will be just great. Learn alot and keep us updated. We love you very much.
Auntie Caryn And Uncle Joe

Keith Drury said...

I'll be following you as you follow the footprints of former IWU students who did a similar thing... Matt Carder, Paul Kind, Mark Schmerse, Josh & Kari Jackson... when you come across their tracks or notes add a note from me... I'll be following you.
--Coach d

jet said...

Seth! this is the coolest thing. all i have is admiration for you .. and a bit of jealousy. I wish I was going too!! I've wanted to do this kind of thing but just b/c I'm a girl and going by myself may not be too smart, I've held off.
Good luck & can't wait to read your posts!

Unknown said...

i will also be following your journeys. If you need any hookups in Thailand, Nepal, or India just email me and I have friends that would love to serve you a hot cup of tea and provide a comfortable bed.
jess w

Joel Labertew said...

I'll be reading, watching, and cheering you on from Plainfield, IL! Thanks for the farewell lunch and the kind words. I'll buy you lunch sometime in 2009.

pk said...

Hey Seth,

You'll love it. It'll be tough at times and glorious at times. You'll be changed. Keep us posted!

kmjagger said...

Hi Seth,

Your vision has been passed around. You don't know me nor I you. But from one world traveler to another may your eyes be opened, your heart grounded, and your pack light.

We will be following your posts as you travel.

Keith J.

Unknown said...

Seth, It has been truly a blessing to have your friendship. I respect you and know that many good things are set before you because the Greatest Trail Blazer of them all has gone before you. May your wandering of the world bring greater wonder of Him. I will be following your blog and keeping you in prayer.

Grace and Peace, Derek

P.S. I still have your Wyoming hat; you can reclaim it when you get back.

Anonymous said...

"What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road."
-William Least Heat Moon

All the best!!

Anonymous said...

As you know, I am really looking forward to what God will teach you throughout this experience. I, too, will be reading your postings to see where you are and what you have been learning. My prayers will be with you.

mom said...

Hey Honey,
Happy New Year! 2008 will be remarkable for you! I'm looking forward to hearing your perspective on everywhere you are; you seem to have a passion for expressing yourself through writing. Stay safe Seth. I love you very much...

Anonymous said...

hello young traveling man! Your adventures await...
I am looking forward to hearing all about them. I will miss you and be thinking of you all the time. Be safe. Love and prayers Auntie Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Seth, you've never traveled alone.

And you'll never travel alone.

I'm excited for you, buddy.